VTC Alumni Advocate 

Enrollment Form

Alumni from all walks of life are invited to volunteer their time and expertise to support our younger fellows and VTC by joining our VTC Alumni Advocates Scheme.  Please indicate the areas you are interested to help.  We would contact you shortly.  Thank you!

Area of Support (can choose more than one option) :

Note: The above activities would be organised by VTC / IAO / VTC Member Institutions Academic Disciplines. We may disclose and transfer your personal data collected here, on need basis, to relevant VTC member institutions according to the area you indicated to support, to facilitate communication, operation and planning of the scheme.
Source of knowing the enrollment of VTC Alumni Advocates Scheme

Personal Information Collection Statement

1. The personal data provided on this form will be used by the VTC Alumni Relations for the subscription of VTC
    Alumni eNews.

2. The personal data collected will not be disclosed to third parties other than those specified without your prior
    approval, or unless required by law.

3. Unless indicated otherwise, all personal data requested in this form is required for its purpose(s).

4. As a data subject, you have the right to request access to and correction/update of the personal data under the
    Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. For such request(s), please contact VTC Alumni Relations
    at alumni@vtc.edu.hk

    - The personal data we intend to use in contacting you, include your name, contact information, job and
      graduation information, as well as donation records.

    -  Please visit website: http://www.vtc.edu.hk/html/en/privacy.html for VTC’s policies and practices in relation to
      personal data and the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in Hong Kong.

1. 於此表格內填寫之個人資料會被VTC校友事務用作訂閱VTC校友通訊。

2. 除法例要求,在未得到閣下的同意前,VTC校友事務並不會將所收集到的個人資料向第三方透露。

3. 除另已說明,所有在此表格上填寫之個人資料是為上述目的而收集。

   料,請聯絡VTC校友事務 (電郵:alumni@vtc.edu.hk)。

   - 我們將就你所提供的個人資料,包括姓名、聯絡資訊、職業和畢業資料,以及捐款紀錄,繼續與你聯繫,並絕對保
   - 關於VTC對個人資料及香港《個人資料(私隱)條例》的政策及做法,請瀏覽網址:

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